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Description: ICETEK-C6722-A,C6722 浮点处理全功能评估板。...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-C6416-PCI:C6416 Development Board...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-VC33-AR full function evaluation board based on TI TMS320VC33 floating-point processor....
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-C6678-KB core board, TI TMS320C6678 DSP as the main processor, onboard DDR3, NOR FLASH, NAND FALSH and other memory, expand C6678 data pin, for...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-OMAP3530-MINI V3 (4G+2G) development board extends the OMAP3530's multiple capabilities and is widely used in portable consumer products, video...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-DM368-KB:DM368 Core Board...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-DM642-B:DM642 Core Board...
DetailsDescription: ICETEK-DM642-BR-PAL:DM642 Core Board...